This post shares the best homemaking books that I have found to be helpful to me as a homemaker.
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Books Every Homemaker Should Read
Being a homemaker is a job just like any other. As such there are certain skills that will elevate your homemaking and make your life easier. One way I enjoy learning and improving upon my skills is through books. I find it helpful to read books written by people who are more skilled in an area than I am.
Best Homemaking Books
1. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
You might be surprised that my first recommendation is about boundaries rather than a more traditional homemaker skills. The daily domestic chores of housekeeping are an important part of homemaking. However, I believe strongly that mental health is of great importance. I have found that setting boundaries, though it is an area I struggle with, is important for my mental health. Our mental state will be directly reflected in how we care for our homes and families. Therefore, taking care of our mental health is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our homemaking.
This book, Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend, was so encouraging and helpful to me that I have now read it twice and intend to read it again in the future. I have learned so much from their expertise and wisdom on the subject of boundary setting.
2. Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson
I am not overstating when I say that this book touched my heart and changed my motherhood in a profound and meaningful way.
Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson is the perfect book for any mother of young children. The honest tribulations shared by Sarah Mae coupled with the seasoned wisdom of Sally Clarkson is like a balm to the soul of any mother. I am so grateful this book was recommended to me and I hope that it will bless you just as deeply.
3. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman, PH.D.
Before we were married my husband and I read this book together and then attended a weekend group therapy for couples that was based on the works of the Gottman Institute. I am so grateful for everything that Josh and I learned during the course of sharing this book together.
Having a strong marriage is an incredibly important part of your family and home. If you and your spouse are constantly bickering or fighting then you are not creating a warm and comfortable environment for your children. Likewise, the example that you set for your children of what a marriage should be will greatly shape their future choices of spouse, their future happiness, and even the happiness of your grandchildren. Marriage sets a legacy. The legacy that you create will impact generations to come so taking marriage seriously and working hard at it is very important of every homemaker.
I recommend this book often and give it as an engagement gift anytime I can. Whether your marriage is smooth sailing or a bit rocky you will benefit from this incredible book.
4. The Measure Of Success by Caroyln McCully
From the excerpt on The Measure of Success:
“Discover God’s view of the successful woman
Should a woman work? Can a woman be feminine, godly, and ambitious? Is work only for women who need the income? Is there any sanctified ground between the stay-at-home mom and the aspiring executive?
Whether you are married or single, young or old, and whether you work inside the home or in the marketplace, Carolyn and Nora create a rich vision for fulfillment through an understanding of the compelling foundation for the biblical call of productivity.”
I really enjoyed the Biblical wisdom that the author uses to discuss womanhood and working inside/outside of the home.
Both part-time and full-time homemakers will be blessed by this wonderful book.
5. God’s High Calling For Women by John MacArthur
I found this book by John MacArthur to be a great look at how God views women and womanhood. It was encouraging and inspiring for me both as a woman and as a homemaker.
I learned about the equality that God created between man and woman as well as the unique gifts that God has given to women in particular.
If you ever feel like that are areas of society, culture, or life where women are left out then I believe you will be encouraged to learn about all the many ways that God has not only included women but how God created equality between men and women. Woman certainly have differences to men but we are of no less value. In face, God has a very high and noble calling for women.
6. Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
I cannot seem to stop recommending this book to anyone and everyone. If you are in any way involved in the life of a child then this book is for you. Parents will assuredly benefit greatly from this amazing work but so will teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, daycare workers, and the list goes on.
Jim Trelease provides a treasure trove of research, data, and experience to his claims about the importance of reading aloud to children. This book will show you how the simple act of reading aloud to your child will make an enormous impact.
If the idea of reading aloud to your children is intimidating to you you are not alone. Many parents and caretakers feel the same way. The Read Aloud Handbook will offer you advice and tips for reading aloud as well as provides fantastic book lists for every age and skill level.
Really I just need everyone in the world to read this book so I can take a break from going gaga about it.
7. 8 Great Smarts by Kathy Koch, PhD
Similar to the previous book, this is a fabulous read for parents or for anyone who cares for a child.
I really enjoyed learning about the 8 different areas of smarts for children (and adults), how to cultivate those smarts, and how to navigate the potential pitfalls that the smarts can lead to.
Every child is smart. Smart is a powerful word. 8 Great Smarts will help both parents and children see the different ways they are smart. Children who believe they are smart are more confident and perform better academically.
Best Homemaking Books: Books Every Homemaker Should Read
In my list here of the best homemaking books I have not included a single title that investigates home management, cleaning schedules, time management, household routines, or similar domestic habits.
Those books exist. I have read and benefited from several of them yet I did not feel they needed a place in this particular book list. The first time that I shared a book list for homemakers I wanted to focus on the whole individual. Too often homemaking is not given the proper respect that it deserves. You are so much more than a laundry and dishes machine. You are cultivating an environment, enriching young lives, and building a legacy. I wanted my list of books that every homemaker should read to reflect that.
These books are for you. Books for your emotional well being, your mental health, your marriage, your place in society, your place in God’s kingdom, and your strong desire to lead your children well. I am sure these great works will bless you as they have blessed me.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you would include as one of the best homemaking books.
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